Home Nazionale MemoryGapp Relieves Alzheimer’s Sufferers and Their Family Members

MemoryGapp Relieves Alzheimer’s Sufferers and Their Family Members


– BRUSSELS, September 18, 2015 /PRNewswire/ —
 – MemoryGapp for iPhone® and iPad®gives relief to Alzheimer’s sufferers and family members by combining powerful photo memories with personal voice recordings.
On Monday the 21st of September HalloMedia will release the MemoryGapp mobile app for iPhone® and iPad®. The app allows friends and family to tag and create memorable photographs with real voice recordings, and share those memories with loved ones suffering from Alzheimer’s or dementia related conditions. Audio-enhanced photographs are available for patients and family members to access on-demand, at any time, whenever sufferers require immediate comfort and relief.
By allowing users to tag pictures with multiple voice recordings – the MemoryGapp app provides family’s with the ability to collect and store voice recordings that dementia sufferers will find great comfort in hearing, while looking at memorable photographs.
Availability In light of the upcoming World Alzheimer’s Day on September 21st, the MemoryGapp mobile app for iOS will be available to download on the App Store.  The app is available on the App Store for $3.99. MemoryGapp is designed for iPhone® and iPad®.
App Store Link: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/memorygapp/id1038809587?ls=1&mt=8
Additional Information 
Promotional codes are available to members of the media by contacting Els De Craecker,
Founder – [email protected]
Screenshots, icons and other related media are available for download at: http://www.dropbox.com/sh/iibwfyjrnz2yy5y/AADz4jm7TqWbRDxL93jISVa0a?dl=0
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/memorygappTwitter: @MemoryGapp Website: http://www.MemoryGapp.com
About HalloMedia 
Founded in 2011 by Belgian national DJ Els De Craecker, HalloMedia specializes in producing voice-over and presentation content for radio and television companies. After finding inspiration through her own father’s struggles with Alzheimer’s disease, Els launched MemoryGapp in 2015 to help combat the pain that families endure by allowing dementia patients to hear familiar voices and see recognizable faces in an instant.